Android got a lot of WebRTC’s mobile development attention in the early days. As a result a lot of the blogosphere’s attention has turned to the harder iOS problem and Android is often overlooked for those that want to get started with WebRTC. Dag-Inge Aas of has not forgotten about the Android WebRTC developer. He recently published […]
The WebRTC Troubleshooter:
WebRTC-based services are seeing new and larger deployments every week. One of the challenges I’m personally facing is troubleshooting as many different problems might occur (network, device, components…) and it’s not always easy to get useful diagnostic data from users. Earlier this week, Tsahi, Chad and I participated at the WebRTC Global Summit in London and had […]
Put in a Bug in Apple’s Apple – Alex Gouaillard’s Plan
One of the biggest complaints about WebRTC is the lack of support for it inside Safari and iOS’s webview. Sure you can use a SDK or build your own native iOS app, but that is a lot of work compared to Android which has Chrome and WebRTC inside the native webview on Android 5 (Lollipop) […]
The Minimum Viable SDP
One evening last week, I was nerd-sniped by a question Max Ogden asked: That is quite an interesting question. I somewhat dislike using Session Description Protocol (SDP) in the signaling protocol anyway and prefer nice JSON objects for the API and ugly XML blobs on the wire to the ugly SDP blobs used by […]
Data Nerding with WebRTC GitHub Data
I was starting to work with a big dataset and was dreading the idea of bogging down my machine with MySQL or SQLServer, so I decided to give Google’s BigQuery a try. Before I got into my project, I was pleasantly surprised to a public GitHub dataset was readily available. Tsahi does a cursory analysis of WebRTC […]