Debugging WebRTC media issues, especially video, often requires access to the unencrypted RTP payloads. We talked about this back in 2017 already and had a great blog post on using the libWebRTC “video_replay” tool. While that post has aged remarkably well, video_replay has improved significantly, in particular since it is now possible to create the […]
End-to-End Encryption in WebRTC… 4 Years Later
We covered End-to-end encryption (E2EE) before, first back in 2020 when Zoom’s claims to do E2EE were demystified (not just by us; they later got fined $85m for this), followed by the quite exciting beta implementation of E2EE in Jitsi using Chromium’s Insertable Streams API. A bit later we had Matrix explain how their approach […]
The Hidden AV1 Gift in Google Meet
Earlier last week a friend at Google reached out to me asking Does Meet do anything weird with scalabilityMode? Apparently, I am the go-to when it comes to Google Meet behaving weirdly :). Well, I do have a decade of history observing Meet’s implementation, so this makes some sense! It turned out that this was […]
How is WebRTC doing and who is driving usage? (Hint: Google Meet)
I have been looking at these Chrome usage statistics available on for a while together with Tsahi Levent-Levi for WebRTC Insights but they are too fascinating to keep them behind our paywall. Let’s do some coffee ground reading on the usage of a number of important APIs and what it tells us about what […]
Apple’s not so private relay fails with WebRTC
Apple released iOS 15 with iCloud Private Relay broken for WebRTC – it still divulges your IP address. This post walks through why and how the WebRTC API’s use your IP address information and how you can check what IP addresses are gathered.