SDP has been a frequent topic, both here on webrtcHacks as well as in the discussion about the standard itself. Modifying the SDP in arcane ways is referred to as SDP munging. This post gives an introduction into what SDP munging is, why its done and why it should not be done. This is not […]
Search Results for: SDP
SDP: Your Fears Are Unleashed (Iñaki Baz Castillo)
We have have had many posts on Session Description Protocol (SDP) here at werbrtcHacks. Why? Because it is often the most confusing yet critical aspects of WebRTC. It has also been among the most controversial. Earlier in WebRTC debates over SDP lead the to the development of the parallel ORTC standard which is now largely merging back into the […]
How to limit WebRTC bandwidth by modifying the SDP
WebRTC 1.0 uses SDP for negotiating capabilities between parties. While there are a growing number of objects coming to WebRTC to avoid this protocol from the 90’s , the reality is SDP will be with us for some time. If you want to do things like change codecs or adjust bandwidth limits, then you’re going to need to “munge” […]
Update: Anatomy of a WebRTC SDP (Antón Román)
Session Description Protocol (SDP) is a fundamental, but very unintuitive concept behind how WebRTC works today. Its no wonder that the Anatomy of a WebRTC SDP post and the interactive SDP guide by Quobis CTO, Antón Román has been so popular here on webrtcHacks. With all things WebRTC, things have changed and we were due for an […]
Anatomy of a WebRTC SDP
Behold the wonders and perils of a Session Description Protocol (SDP) generated by Chrome for WebRTC! See the source post by Antón Román for more background and commentary.Want to learn more about SDP without reading the specs? Read our many posts on this topic: NOTE: There are some bugs with the SDP guide and […]