Biggie vs. Tupac. Gates vs. Jobs. Apple vs. Samsung. Nothing catches people’s attention for no legitimate reason like a feud. Unfortunately this isn’t just a celebrity phenomenon. Feuds have been endemic even to real communications as well. From the very beginning, Elisha Gray’s dispute with Alexander Graham Bell over the original telephone patent showed the industry […]
Plug-in free or free plug-in? Q&A with IE & Safari WebRTC plug-in maker Alex Gouaillard
One of the most vexing challenges for WebRTC developers is “what do you do with IE and Safari?” Do you ignore them? Tell your users to use something else? Can you even tell them what to do? Maybe you fall back to flash? There are no easy answers and WebRTC is supposed to be easy, […]
Sample code for a WebRTC feature? webrtc-experiment’s got that – Q&A with Muaz Khan
Want to try out a newly released WebRTC feature or capability? Odds are Muaz Khan has already done it. I cannot think of any other individual who has contributed more open source WebRTC application experiments to the community than Muaz and his His GitHub repository boasts 44 different projects. He did all that in less […]
The Open Source rfc5766-turn-server Project – Interview with Oleg Moskalenko
As Reid previously introduced in his An Intro to WebRTC’s NAT/Firewall Problem post, NAT traversal is often one the more mysterious areas of WebRTC for those without a VoIP background. When two endpoints/applications behind NAT wish to exchange media or data with each other, they use “hole punching” techniques in order to discover a direct communication […]