There are a bunch of WebRTC events coming up and I guess we like lists. We thought it would be good idea to take our internal event lists and post them. We did some research to see what other events were out there and found a bunch more. Text tables are boring, so we spruced […]
WebRTC Development Tools – Where to Begin
I just reviewed 120+ companies that have some direct support of WebRTC (click here for the directory). The good news is that there is a multitude of companies and products out there for supporting WebRTC developers–more than 60+ and growing. WebRTC is still in its infancy so this number could easily double in the next […]
Welcome to webrtcHacks – a blog for WebRTC makers
Only attracted to headlines that include “disruption”, “panacea”, “killer”, or “hype”? Are you scared by obscure acronyms? Bored by posts that require concentration for more than 2 minutes? If so, then this is not the blog for you. Literally within the same week Reid and Victor independently came to me and said we […]