Explore the future of Real-Time Communications with WebrtcHacks as we delve into the use of WebCodecs and WebTransport as alternatives to WebRTC’s RTCPeerConnection. This comprehensive blog post features interviews with industry experts, a review of potential WebCodecs+WebTransport architecture, and a discussion on real-time media processing challenges. We also examine performance measurements, hardware encoder issues, and the practicality of these new technologies.
breakout box
5 ways to save an image from your webcam
Exploration and examples of the 5 different ways you can save an image from your webcam in JavaScript in 2022. Includes canvas.toBlob, OffscreenCanvas, createImageBitmap, ImageCapture, and ReadableStreams / MediaStreamTrackProcessor
How to add virtual background transparency in WebRTC
There is a cool new feature everyone has been trying to implement – background transparency. Virtual backgrounds have been around for a while. Rather than inserting a new background behind user(s), transparency removes the background altogether, allowing the app to place users over a screen share or together in a shared environment. There doesn’t seem […]
Making Zoom’s Smart Gallery on the Web with MediaPipe and BreakoutBox
How to seperate multiple people in the same camera feed into their own unique video streams that can be individually transmitted Google’s MediaPipe and the W3C’s new MediaStreamTrack API