Step-by-step guide on how to fix bad webcam lighting in your WebRTC app with standard JavaScript API’s for camera exposure or natively with uvc drivers.
The WebRTC Bitcode Soap Opera (Saúl Ibarra Corretgé)
Saúl Ibarra Corretgé of Jitsi walks through his epic struggle getting Apple iOS bitcode building with WebRTC for his Apple Watch app.
Optimizing WebRTC Power Consumption (Markus Handell)
The performance of WebRTC in Chrome as well as other RTC applications needed to be improved a lot during the pandemic when more people with a more diverse set of machines and network connections started to rely on video conferencing. Markus Handell is a team lead at Google who cares a lot about performance of […]
5 ways to save an image from your webcam
Exploration and examples of the 5 different ways you can save an image from your webcam in JavaScript in 2022. Includes canvas.toBlob, OffscreenCanvas, createImageBitmap, ImageCapture, and ReadableStreams / MediaStreamTrackProcessor
How is WebRTC doing and who is driving usage? (Hint: Google Meet)
I have been looking at these Chrome usage statistics available on for a while together with Tsahi Levent-Levi for WebRTC Insights but they are too fascinating to keep them behind our paywall. Let’s do some coffee ground reading on the usage of a number of important APIs and what it tells us about what […]